Loma Encantada History

MARCH 10, 2018

Dear Residents,

Thanks to the efforts of our current president Billie Blair with the research provided by Diana Thatcher, we now a brief history of the origin and early period of Loma Encantada.

When you click on the link below, a PDF will open for you to view and/or to print. The first part is the history, then followed by the portrait of Paul Rutledge that hangs in the Clubhouse. After that are three (3) articles taken from the Santa Fe New Mexican. The first describes how the City Council turned down the request to build the complex of townhouses. The second article is about the City Council reversing itself and allowing the zoning request. The last is an ad by the Realtor advertising the homes and lot for sale on Calle Estado.

Thank you Billie for this wonderful contribution to LEHOA’s archives.

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